Datastore Developers Guide
The Datastore preview
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The Datastore preview

Szabo Csaba <>
Antal Attila <>
Table of Contents
1. The Datastore architecture
2. File hierarchy
    2.1. The binary distribution
    2.2. The source distribution

1. The Datastore architecture


2. File hierarchy

2.1. The binary distribution

There is the content of binary distribution:

apps - the servers (framework home) directory

Note: After you start the framework the archive file will be unpacked and there will be placed the entire Datastore application into the directory named datastore

bin - directory with shellscripts to run the framework

client - directory for client applications

Note: All client applications was placed into smclient.jar package, the rest of .jar files is libraries for it.

docs - all documentation directory (this documentation, and the API)

examples - directory for examples to show how you can use the datastore with other programming language

ext - directory needed for Avalon Phoenix 4.0a4

extras - directory contains script files to install PostgreSQL, MySQL, SAPDB and DB2 database dump

lib - directory for framework application libraries - file to patch beepsasl.jar


2.2. The source distribution

bin - directory with scripts to run the framework

docs - all documentation directory (this documentation, and the API)

extras - directory contains script files to install PostgreSQL, MySQL, SAPDB and DB2 database dump

lib - directory for framework application libraries

src - all Datastore source directory

tools - tool directory for build

build.xml - build file to ant - file to patch beepsasl.jar


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