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Authors: | |
Szabo Csaba <crow@nolimits.ro> | |
Antal Attila <atech@nolimits.ro> |
DataStore depends at this stage on the Java runtime environment and some of the following relational databases: Postgresql, MySQL, DB2.
The Java version recommended is 1.3, for this you have two choices: IBM and Sun Java implementation. In general we would recommend the IBM version of Java as it has better implementation of native threads which especially under Unix like operating systems do provide better performance.
The IBM version 1.3.x of Java can be downloaded from: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/.
The Sun version 1.3.x of Java can be downloaded from: http://java.sun.com/products/j2se. We recommend the Standard Edition but the Runtime Environment should do it as well unless you want to build the DataStore sources.
If you plan to use transport layer security for server - client connection also the Java JSSE 1.0.2 security packets are recommended, which can be downloaded from the following address: http://java.sun.com/products/jsse/. Provided in this version!
Download and install one of the folowing:
Somewhere must be an Postgresql database installed and ready to work. The system with the database must not necessary reside on the same system with your DataStore server.
A postgresql user (and password) is requested in order to have DataStore connecting to the postgresql database. It is preferred (at least at installation) that the user name to correspond with your actual Unix user name, in order to be able to create the initial database and it's structure.
Under Mandrake Linux ver. 8.0, Postgresql is installed and runned under
the postgresql user. In order to be able to create the initial database we need
to create first a Postgresql root user.
# as Unix root user we need to execute
Make sure that Postgresql is configured to accept TCP/IP connections (-i). Under Mandrake Linux, that means that we have to add "-i" to the /var/lib/pgsql/data/postmaster.opts.default file.
DataStore use a specially created Postgresql database structure. In order to create the proper structure a shell script is provided with the DataStore distribution that does most of the job. The script name is installPGSQLDB.sh.
Edit the script, and set the DBNAME variable on the first line. This will set the name of the database. Run this script in order to create the database with the specified name.
The database initially have a given super user with logname root and password _root. Also a user guest is created with the password guest. In this database you will already have the root directory whose owner is the mentioned superuser with full rights. You may install more databases with different names.
Somewhere must be an MySql database installed and ready to work. Download the JDBC client (tested with the: mm.mysql-2.0.8-bin.jar) for MySql and put in the DataStore library ($DATASTORE_HOME/lib/)
DataStore uses a specially created MySql database structure. In order to create the proper structure a shell script is provided with the DataStore distribution that does most of the job. The script name is installMySQLDB.sh.
Edit the script, and set the DBNAME variable. This will set the name of the database. Run this script in order to create the database with the specified name.
The database initially have a given super user with logname root and password _root. Also a user guest is created with the password guest. In this database you will already have the root directory whose owner is the mentioned superuser with full rights. You may install more databases with different names.
Somewhere must be an DB2 database installed and ready to work. Download the JDBC client (tested with the: db2java.zip) for DB2, rename this file to be a .jar extension and put in the DataStore library ($DATASTORE_HOME/lib/)
DataStore use a specially created DB2 database structure. In order to create the proper structure a shell script is provided with the DataStore distribution that does most of the job. The script name is installDB2DB.sh.
Edit the script, and set the DBNAME variable on the first line. This will set the name of the database. Run this script in order to create the database with the specified name.
Note: When you install the database you must have an user and permissions to create and use databases. Important: only the user who created (installed) the database can run the DataStore server. |
The database initially have a given super user with logname root and password _root. Also a user guest is created with the password guest. In this database you will already have the root directory whose owner is the mentioned superuser with full rights. You may install more databases with different names.
Somewhere must be an SAP DB database installed and ready to work. Download the JDBC client (tested with the: sapdbc-{version_name}.jar) for SAPDB, and put in the DataStore library ($DATASTORE_HOME/lib/)
DataStore use a specially created SAP DB database structure. In order to create the proper structure a shell script is provided with the DataStore distribution that does most of the job. The script name is installSAPDB.sh.
Edit the script, and set the DBNAME variable on this file. This will set the name of the database. Run this script in order to create the database with the specified name.
Note: When you install the database you can't be root. Important: After the installation, to connect to the database you must start it, with : dbmbcli -u <db_user>,<db_pwd> -d <dbname> db_warm command. |
The database initially have a given super user with logname root and password _root. Also a user guest is created with the password guest. In this database you will already have the root directory whose owner is the mentioned superuser with full rights. You may install more databases with different names.
Even if shell scripts are provided (*.sh and *.bat) to ease the usage the scripts depends on the JAVA_HOME system variable to determine the location of the wanted Java runtime.
Note: On Unix system, before starting the server or any clients you can type:
export JAVA_HOME=/java_home_directory . Example: export
JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.3.0_02 .
Note: On Windows, put this command on your autoexec.bat : set
Do not forgot to set the security provider into your java.security file. You can find this file:
- in case of Sun Java:
- in case of IBM Java:
To set the JSSE security provider add the following line into this file:
where the character 'n' is the next provider number, you may have already in this file a provider with the number one
in this case the next provider (with number two) will be the JSSE provider:
To start the framework run the following script: bin/run.sh under Unix or bin\run.bat under Windows. The framework will start all the implemented blocks and servers. When starting, every block or server will display a message which shows his state.
Because it is based on a server framework in which servers are components and DataStore is exactly such a component, initially there will be no config directory. To have the proper directories you must start the server at least once. Disregard any error messages at this stage.
If you installed using the default values (sepstore) and you are running on the same machine the Postgresql server and DataStore that should be just enough to start the DataStore application server. Any other way you should only need to adjust the database section of the configuration file.
Enter the directory datastore_home/apps/datastore/SAR-INF/, here will be placed the config.xml file. Edit it and make the modifications for each block section you desire.
In the crontab section you can specify the cron tables and the trigger names. The cron table stores the timer attributes. These attributes are the following: min, hour, dayOfMonth, month, year, dayOfWeek. If you want to set timer with day of month then not specify the dayOfWeek argument (put the "*" there). If you want to set timer with day of week then the dayofMonth argument must be equal with "*"
The trigger name points to a target which will be started by the scheduler. On the targets section you can specify the trigger name and the class. The class have the method which will be started by the timer.
The structures of attributes:
The values of attributes:
On the connection section you can specify the port(default is: 10300); On the handlers section specify the friendly name of the handler class and the handler class itself.
You can choose one of the database driver, in example is PostgreSQL. If you want to use other, simply make to be a comment the activ driver and clear comments from the wanted driver.
There may be more database sections for each database you want to use. Where: