This is a simple XMLRPC client concept.
With this concept you can invoke methods to execute on XMLRPC server.
Can use the following protocols for the URL: xmlrpc://, xmlrpcs://,
http://, https://. For secure connections like xmlrpcs:// and https:// you
need to set up your masine for the security sessions (eg. install JSSE, create
keys and certificates, modify in mn8Config.xml security properties)
A simple way to connect to a XMLRPC server on your computer (default
settings) using the host: localhost, port: 10300, user: guest and
password: guest:
$rpc typeof XMLRPCClient
#To connect a XMLRPC server using a scpecific URL:
$rpc = XMLRPCClient.create( URL )
#where the URL is: xmlrpc://user:password@host:port/
#URL can have also this protocols: xmlrpcs:// http:// https://
# Connecting to DataStore you can use the following parapeters
$params typeof Series
# $sep is SEP command
# database name
# user name
# user password to acces database
After you have a connection $rpc you need to execute a command on the
$concept = $rpc.executeCmd( method, parameters)
- the "method" is the method name ont XMLRPC server
- the "parameters" is a Series concept and you need to add it the method
parameters (see below the variable $params)
- the $concept is the returned concept from the method
Methods inherited from: Concept
cloneConcept, extendsConcept, fromXML, getAllInheritedConcepts, getConceptAttribute, getConceptAttributeField, getConceptAttributeFields, getConceptAttributes, getConceptConstructors, getConceptElement, getConceptElementField, getConceptElementFields, getConceptElements, getConceptLabel, getConceptMethod, getConceptMethods, getConceptOperators, getConceptType, getErrorHandler, getInheritedConcepts, getResourceURI, hasConceptAttribute, hasConceptElement, hasConceptMethod, hasPath, isHidden, loadContent, setConceptLabel, setErrorHandler, setHidden, setShowEmpty, showEmpty, toTXT, toXML, setResourceURI |
Parameters: |
$url : | Complete URL string, like "xmlrpc://user:password@host:port/" |
Exceptions: |
unsupportedProtocolException :
(Error) | If the protocol is unsupported by XMLRPCClient. |
badURLException :
(Error) | If the URL is not valid. |
Create the XMLRPC connection to the server specified in the parameter
Parameters: |
$method : | The method name on the XMLRPC server |
$params : | This Series concept holds the parameters to the method |
Exceptions: |
executeException :
(Error) | If unable to execute method on XMLRPC server. |
This method executes the specified method on the XMLRPC server and
returns XMLRPC supported concept.
$param typeof Series
$rpc = XMLRPCClient.create( "xmlrpc://guest:guest@localhost:10300/" )
print $rpc.executeCmd("url.echo" , $param )
-- the result is --