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MN8 Keywords Reference




DEFINE Identifier ( LABEL StringContant )? ( EXTENDS Identifier ( , Identifier )* )? [ eol
         (Attribute Definitions)*
         (Element Definitions)*
         (Method Definitions)*
] eol

Attribute Definitions
(STATIC)? @ Ident ( (!|?) )? ( = Expression )? ( TYPEOF Identifier )? ( LABEL StringConstant )? eol

Element Definitions
First Form
(STATIC)? Ident (*)? ( (!|?) )? ( = Expression )? ( TYPEOF Identifier )? ( LABEL StringConstant )? eol

Second Form
(STATIC)? Ident (*)? ( (!|?) )? ( LABEL StringConstant )? [ eol
         (Attribute Definitions)*
         (Element Definitions)*
] eol

Method Definitions
(STATIC)? : Identifier ( ( Ident Typeof Indetifier ( , Ident Typeof Indetifier )* ) )? [ eol
] ( TYPEOF Identifier )? eol



Concept declarations define new concept types and describe how they are implemented.

The body of the concept declares members (elements, attributes and methods), constructors, operators. The members of a concept include both declared and inherited members. Newly declared elements, attributes can hide fields declared in an superconcept. Newly declared members can hide, implement or override methods declared in superconcepts.

Method declarations describe code that may be invoked by method invocation expressions.

The optional EXTENDS clause in a concept declaration specifies the direct superconcepts of the current concept. One concept can extend zero or more concepts. If there are elements, attributes, methods which conflicts in the superclasses (have the same signature), the element, attribute, method of the leftmost concept will be inherited, the other being disregarded.

If an element or attribute of the concept is declared STATIC, there exists exactly one incarnation of the element or attribute, no matter how many instances of the concept may be created.

If a method of the concept is declared STATIC, it is invoked without the reference to a particular concept instances. Methods that are not defined STATIC are always invoked with respect to an concept instance.

Every concept, attribute or element can have an assigned label. This assigned label will be used (if defined) for the automatic rendering of the concept. Otherways the concept, element or attribute name will be used.

In case the TYPEOF optional clause is used on a attribute, element, parameter, or return type, the type of the respective items will be enforced to the declared type of concept. Other-way the items are considered free type and any concept can be assigned to them.

We name the signature of an method or concept the ensemble formed by the name, number of parameters, the type of parameters and the return type of the method or concept.

Constructors always have the create name. More constructors are allowed if the signature of the constructors are different.

Methods always begin with the : character. More methods are allowed with the same name if the signature of the methods are different.

Every concept is derived from the Concept concept automaticaly therefore explicitly specifying this inheritance is not recommended.


        define PersonDefineExample label "person" [
            @firstName typeof String label "FirstName"
            @lastName  typeof String label "LastName"        
                location* [
                address typeof PersonDefineExample:Address label "Address"
            static : main ( $args typeof Series ) [
                $me typeof PersonDefineExample
                $me@firstName = "Remus"    
                $me@lastName  = "Pereni"
                $me/email = ""
                $me/location.lastEntry/address@type = "HOME"        
                $me/location.lastEntry/address/str = "Bld. Octavian Goga 4/7"        
                $me/location.lastEntry/address/city = "Satu Mare"
                $me/location.lastEntry/address/zipCode = PersonDefineExample:Address.getZipCode("Satu Mare")
                $me/location.lastEntry/address@type = "WORK"                
                $me/location.lastEntry/address/city = "Satu Mare"
                $me/location.lastEntry/address/zipCode = PersonDefineExample:Address.getZipCode("Satu Mare")
                print $me.toXML
                print "And now some text"
                print $me
            : toTXT [
                $result = @firstName + " " + @lastName + " (" + /email/ + ")" + Character.getEOLChar
                each $loc in /location/ do [
                    $result +=  $loc/address.toTXT   
                return $result   
            ] typeof String

        define PersonDefineExample:Address  extends PersonDefineExample:SomeAddress [       
            @type typeof String label "addressType"

            zipCode typeof Element
            static : getZipCode( $city typeof String ) [
                if $city == "Satu Mare" then [
                    return "3900"
                ] else [
                    return "unknown"   
            ] typeof String

            : toTXT [
                $result = ""
                $result += "\t" + @type + " address" + Character.getEOLChar
                $result += "\t\t" + /str/ + Character.getEOLChar
                $result += "\t\t" + /zipCode/ + ", " + /city/ + Character.getEOLChar
                $result += "\t\t" + /country/ + Character.getEOLChar
                return $result        
            ] typeof String

        define PersonDefineExample:SomeAddress [
            str     typeof Element       
            country = "Romania" typeof Element       
        ------ The result is ------
        <person LastName="Pereni" FirstName="Remus">
        <Address addressType="HOME">
        <str>Bld. Octavian Goga 4/7</str>
        <city>Satu Mare</city>
        <Address addressType="WORK">
        <city>Satu Mare</city>
        And now some text
        Remus Pereni (
	        HOME address
		        Bld. Octavian Goga 4/7
		        3900, Satu Mare
	        WORK address
		        3900, Satu Mare



DO [ eol
] WHILE LogicalExpression eol



The do-while statement specify the repeated execution of an block until the logical expression (it's guard) yields true. The guard is checked after every execution of the statement block (that means the statement block is always executed at least once).


        $i = 0
        do [
            print "$i is: ", $i 
        ] while $i < 10
        ------ The result is -----
        $i is: 1
        $i is: 2
        $i is: 3
        $i is: 4
        $i is: 5
        $i is: 6
        $i is: 7
        $i is: 8
        $i is: 9
        $i is: 10

Another example, in which we use a series is:

        $s typeof Series
        $s@index = $s@length

        do [
            print $s.previous
        ] while $s@hasPrevious
        ------ The result is -----



First Form
EACH Ident IN SeriesExpression ( WHERE LogicalExpression )? ( BREAK ( BY Ident )+ )? DO [ eol
] eol

Second Form
EACH Ident FROM StringExpression ( OPTIONS StringExpression = Expression ( , StringExpression = Expression )* )? ( WHERE LogicalExpression )? ( BREAK ( BY Ident )+ )? DO [ eol
] eol



The EACH statement enumerates and filters, elements from a Series concept. The Series concept can be explicitly used in case of use of the IN keyword or automaticaly produced by the FROM statement.

The EACH statement is composed from:

  • a data source represented by the IN $series keyword or the FROM statement.
  • a filtering block represented by the WHERE block
  • a ordering and signalizing block represented by the BY and BREAK clause.

Every concept from the data source is considered valid if the clauses in the WHERE block evaluates to TRUE. There is no limitation in what clauses can be included in the WHERE block.

The order in which the concepts from the Series are returned can be influenced through the use of the BY keyword.

Signaling is possible through the BREAK keyword which should proceed the BY. Two functions will be valid inside a EACH statement:

  • FIRST ident
  • LAST ident


An example of the first form in which all the composing elements of the each keyword are used can be seen bellow.

        $dataString = "
                <person name='Remus Pereni'>
                        <city>Satu Mare</city>
                <person name='Sorin Iluti'>
                        <city>Satu Mare</city>
                <person name='Daniel Taut'>

        $people = Concept.fromXML($dataString)
        each $person in $people/person/ where Integer.create($person/age/) > 20      \  
                                       break by $person/address/country/ descending \
                                             by $person/address/city/               \
                                             by $person@name ascending do [
            if first $person/address/country/ then [
                print "===== ", $person/address/country/, " ====="        
            if first $person/address/city/ then [
                print "In: ", $person/address/city/ 
            print $person@name, " Age:", $person/age/
        ------ The result is -----
        ===== Romania =====
        In: Satu Mare
        Remus Pereni Age:27
        Sorin Iluti Age:28
        ===== Netherland =====
        In: Tilburg
        Daniel Taut Age:26

An example of the second form in which all the composing elements of the each keyword are used can be seen bellow.

        # we filter the files from the e:\tmp\mref directory as follows
        # - only the files at most two directories deep but not exceeding 100 files
        # - all the files who's content type is different than octet-stream
        # - the files should have the size bigger than 1000 bytes
        # - the files url should not contain concept
        each $file from "e:\\tmp\\mref\\"                                     \
                        options "depth"=2, "requests"=100                     \
                        where $file@contentType != "application/octet-stream" \
                              and $file@length > 1000                         \
                              and $file@url.indexOf("concepts") == -1         \
                        break by $file@contentType                            \
                              by $file@length do [
            if first($file@contentType) then [
                print "----- ", $file@contentType, " files -----"    
            print $file@url, " (Length: " , $file@length, " bytes)"
        ------ The result is -----
        ----- application/zip files -----
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/ (Length: 10157 bytes)
        ----- text/css files -----
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/res/mref.css (Length: 1153 bytes)
        ----- text/html files -----
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/categories/testing_mn8unit.html (Length: 1276 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/categories/system_advanced.html (Length: 1570 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/index.html (Length: 2693 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/categories/system_base_mn8unit.html (Length: 3310 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/langref.html (Length: 5898 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/categories/index.html (Length: 7485 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/categories/system_base.html (Length: 19271 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/keyref.html (Length: 42663 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/index_all.html (Length: 113519 bytes)
        ----- text/xml files -----
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/langref.html.xml (Length: 1529 bytes)
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/keyref.html.xml (Length: 23922 bytes)



exit (( IntegerExpression ))?



Terminates the execution of the current script.

The optional argument which must evaluate to an integer is giving the exit status (defaulting to zero).

If it is an integer, zero is considered ``successful termination'' and any nonzero value is considered ``abnormal termination'' by shells and the like. Most systems require it to be in the range 0-127, and produce undefined results otherwise. Some systems have a convention for assigning specific meanings to specific exit codes, but these are generally underdeveloped; Unix programs generally use 2 for command line syntax errors and 1 for all other kind of errors.


        exit (1)





First Form
FIND (FIRST|LAST) Ident IN SeriesExpression ( WHERE LogicalExpression )? ( BREAK ( BY Ident )+ )? eol

Second Form
FIND (FIRST|LAST) Ident FROM StringExpression ( OPTIONS StringExpression = Expression ( , StringExpression = Expression )* )? ( WHERE LogicalExpression )? ( BREAK ( BY Ident )+ )? eol



The FIND statement allows the selection of a first or last concept from an external data source (FROM) or from a Series, source which mach the restrictions imposed by the WHERE clause.


An example of the first form in which all the composing elements of the find keyword are used can be seen bellow.

        $dataString = "
                <person name='Remus Pereni'>
                        <city>Satu Mare</city>
                <person name='Sorin Iluti'>
                        <city>Satu Mare</city>
                <person name='Daniel Taut'>

        $people = Concept.fromXML($dataString)
        find first $person in $people/person/ where Integer.create($person/age/) > 20   \  
                                       break by $person/address/country/ descending \
                                             by $person/address/city/               \
                                             by $person@name ascending                                
        print "The first person is: ", $person@name, " Age:", $person/age/       

        find last $person in $people/person/ where Integer.create($person/age/) > 20      \  
                                       break by $person/address/country/ descending \
                                             by $person/address/city/               \
                                             by $person@name ascending                                  
        print "The last person is: ", $person@name, " Age:", $person/age/       
        ------ The result is ------
        The first person is: Remus Pereni Age:27
        The last person is: Daniel Taut Age:26

An example of the second form in which all the composing elements of the find keyword are used can be seen bellow.

        find first $file from "e:\\tmp\\mref\\"                                     \
                          options "depth"=2, "requests"=100                         \
                            where $file@contentType != "application/octet-stream"   \
                                  and $file@length > 1000                           \
                                  and $file@url.indexOf("concepts") == -1           \
                           break by $file@contentType                               \
                                 by $file@length
            print "The first file of the type: ", $file@contentType, " is"        
            print $file@url, " (Length: " , $file@length, " bytes)"
        find last $file from "e:\\tmp\\mref\\"                                      \
                          options "depth"=2, "requests"=100                         \
                            where $file@contentType != "application/octet-stream"   \
                                  and $file@length > 1000                           \
                                  and $file@url.indexOf("concepts") == -1           \
                           break by $file@contentType                               \
                                 by $file@length
            print "The last file of the type: ", $file@contentType, " is"        
            print $file@url, " (Length: " , $file@length, " bytes)"
        ------ The result is -----
        The first file of the type: text/css is
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/res/mref.css (Length: 1153 bytes)
        The last file of the type: text/xml is
        file:/e:/tmp/mref/reference/keyref.html.xml (Length: 28469 bytes)



Ident FROM StringExpression ( OPTIONS StringExpression = Expression ( , StringExpression = Expression )* )? eol



The FROM statement allows retrieval and navigation operations over a wide variety of mediums. Because there is rarely a uniformity in operating in this mediums the OPTION keyword allows the specification of medium specific parameters.

The medium coverage will is realized through a API so new protocol handler modules can be added in time.


        $page from ""
        $expr = Regexp.create("(?mi)^<dd><a href=\"(.*?)\".*title=\"(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)</a></dd>$")
        $sel1 = $page/$expr)
        each $itm in $sel1 do [
            print $itm/3/
            print "\t", $itm/1/
            print "\t", Tag.getStrippedText($itm/2/, false)    
        ------ The result is ------
        Digital Web
	        The web designers online magazine of choice.
	        Free photography for your design projects.
	        Design content and news.
        New Riders
	        Publishing voices that matter.
	        Design content and news.

Another example:

        $list from "env:/system/properties" options "DEPTH"= "4",\
                                                    "FILTER"= Simplex.create("*user*")
        each $name in $list do [
            $val from $name                                         
            print $name, "=", $val                               
        ------ The result is ------
        env:/system/properties/ Pereni
        env:/system/properties/user.home=C:\Documents and Settings\Remus Pereni



IF LogicalExpression THEN [ eol
] ( ELIF LogicalExpression THEN [ eol
] )* ( ELSE [ eol
] )? eol



It selects exactly one of the blocks by evaluating the expressions one by one until one is found to be true then that block is executed (and no other part of the if statement is executed or evaluated). If all expressions are false, the block of the else clause, if present, is executed.


Simple if example.

        if 100 > 10 then [
            print "Sure 100 is greater than 10 :)"    
        ------ The result is ------
        Sure 100 is greater than 10 :)

Another example.

        $series typeof Series
        $series.add("It's a String")    # String
        $series.add(1)                  # Integer
        $series.add(2.3)                # Real
        $series.add(false)              # Logical
        $series.add('\t')               # Character

        each $item in $series do [
            if $item.getConceptType == String.getConceptType then [
                print "it is an string"   
            ] elif $item.getConceptType == Integer.getConceptType then [
                print "it is an integer"   
            ] elif $item.getConceptType == Real.getConceptType  then [
                print "it is an real"   
            ] elif $item.getConceptType == "Logical" then [
                print "it is an logical"   
            ] else [
                    print "it is an character"   
        ------ The result is ------
        it is an string
        it is an integer
        it is an real
        it is an logical
        it is an character



PRINT Expression (, Expression)* (;)? eol



Print evaluates the expression and writes the resulting object to standard output.

If a concept is not a String , it is first converted to a string using the concept's toTXT method. The (resulting or original) string is then written.


            print "Hello World!"
If we don't want a new line after the text we display we can use ; at the end of the print statement.
            print "Hello World!";
We can use expressions to compose the print line
            print "Hello" + " World!"
but we could also use colon as the separator of multiple expressions:
            print "Hello", " World!"



SWITCH Expression [ eol
( CASE Expression [
] )+ ( ELSE [ eol
] )? eol



The switch statement transfers control to one of several statements blocks depending on the value of an expression.

If the _EXPRESSION_ matches any _CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_, the code block related to the constant expression is executed. If none of the constant expression are matched and the ELSE statement block is present then the ELSE related code block is executed.


        $s typeof Series

        each $color in $s do [
            switch $color [
                case "White" [
                    print "The current color is white"
                case "Black" [
                    print "The current color is black"
                else [
                    print "Is other than white or black"   
        ------ The result is -----
        The current color is white
        The current color is black
        Is other than white or black
        Is other than white or black

Another example.

        $series typeof Series
        $series.add("It's a String")    # String
        $series.add(1)                  # Integer
        $series.add(2.3)                # Real
        $series.add(false)              # Logical
        $series.add('\t')               # Character

        each $item in $series do [
            switch $item.getConceptType [
                case String.getConceptType [
                    print "it is an string"   
                case Integer.getConceptType [
                    print "it is an integer"   
                case Real.getConceptType [
                    print "it is an real"   
                case Logical.getConceptType [
                    print "it is an logical"   
                case "Character" [
                    print "it is an character"   
        ------ The result is -----
        it is an string
        it is an integer
        it is an real
        it is an logical
        it is an character



Expression TO StringExpression ( OPTIONS StringExpression = Expression ( , StringExpression = Expression )* )? eol



The TO statement allows store operations over a wide variety of mediums. Because there is rarely a uniformity in operating in this mediums the OPTION keyword allows the specification of medium specific parameters.

The medium coverage will is realized through a API so new protocol handler modules can be added in time.


            $rssPage from ""
            $myDir from "env:/system/properties/user.home"
            $rssPage/content/ to $myDir + File.getSeparator + "JonUdell_" + Date.getToday.getDate("yyyyMMMd") + "_RSS.xml"

Another example:

            $message = "From:\n"
            $message += "To: you@email.address\n"
            $message += "Subject: Hello it's a test :)\n"
            $message += "This is the actual message!\n"
            $myDir to "smtp://your_smtp_server"            

Another example:

            $rssPage from ""            
            $rssPage/content/ to "ftp://your.ftp.server/home/user/rss.xml" options "user"="userName", "pwd"="yourPassword"



First Form
Ident TYPEOF StringExpression eof

Second Form
Ident TYPEOF Identifier eof



MN8 is dynamically typed, that means that the interpreter will try to figure by himself what kind of type a variable is and can be. However because of the nature of concepts (inheritance, initialization, constructors) sometimes we need a finer graining system for enforcing a particular concept type to a variable.

The TYPEOF keyword enforce a particular concept type specified by the Concept option to an indentifier or the result of an expression which evaluates to a string.

A variables type can be unlocked by assigning a TYPEOF Nil. In this way the variable becomes free to have any kind of type again.


An example of the first form:

        $s typeof Series

        $element typeof $s/1/
        $element.addAttribute(Attribute.create("attribute", "attrValue"))
        $element.setValue("The Element Value")
        print $element.toXML
        ------ The result is -----
        <MyElement attribute="attrValue">The Element Value</MyElement>

An example of the second form:

        $element typeof Element
        $element.addAttribute(Attribute.create("attribute", "attrValue"))
        $element.setValue("The Element Value")
        print $element.toXML
        ------ The result is -----
        <MyElement attribute="attrValue">The Element Value</MyElement>



WHILE LogicalExpression DO [ eol
] eol



The while statement is used for repeated execution as long as an expression is true.


        $i = 1
        while $i < 10 do [
            print "$i is:", $i , " and is less than 10"   
        ------ The result is -----
        $i is:1 and is less than 10
        $i is:2 and is less than 10
        $i is:3 and is less than 10
        $i is:4 and is less than 10
        $i is:5 and is less than 10
        $i is:6 and is less than 10
        $i is:7 and is less than 10
        $i is:8 and is less than 10
        $i is:9 and is less than 10

Another example, in which we use a series is:

        $s typeof Series
        while $s@hasNext do [
            print $   
        ------ The result is -----