Datastore Users Guide
The DataStore storage system
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The DataStore storage system

Szabo Csaba <>
Antal Attila <>
Table of Contents
1. A bit about users
2. Directories like subtrees
    2.1. Subtree types
    2.2. Creating subtrees
3. Change the owner and mode
4. Commands that can be used

1. A bit about users

Accessing the DataStore can make as registered user or as guest (anonymous). To be an registered user you must ask from DataStore system administrator. Accessing the DataStore as guest, you can use as username: guest and password: guest. You can use a secure communication if you have a JSSE java packages or you already had a trusted user (your public key already registered and signed)


2. Directories like subtrees

The filesystem directory term in the DataStore means subtree

2.1. Subtree types

The subtrees can have different storage types. The type is depend the format of document which will be stored. The type can be:


2.2. Creating subtrees

When you create one directory with the smtree command using the -create option, your created subtree type will have a default tree type. The type of default is one of the four tree types and can be set only by the DataStore system administrator.

After creating the subtree the user will have full access (read, write) other users from that group will have only the read access.

The tree type can be changed with the smtree command using the -chtype option.


3. Change the owner and mode

The accepted modes for the subtrees and the documents is: read, write. If you have permission you can change the subtrees and documents mode using the smchmod command with options: u (user) o (other) g (group) a (all) + (set) - (unset) r (read) w (write)


4. Commands that can be used


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