Revision: 1.10
Date: 2002/11/01
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Datastore Users Guide

Table of Contents

1. The DataStore storage system
    1.1. A bit about users
    1.2. Directories like subtrees
        1.2.1. Subtree types
        1.2.2. Creating subtrees
    1.3. Change the owner and mode
    1.4. Commands that can be used

2. Manage the DataStore
    2.1. Foreword
        2.1.1. About the managing programs
        2.1.2. General usage options
    2.2. smchmod - Change acces permissions for subtrees and documents
        2.2.1. About smchmod
        2.2.2. Program usage
        2.2.3. Examples
    2.3. smchown - Change owner
        2.3.1. About smchown
        2.3.2. Program usage
        2.3.3. Examples
    2.4. smgroup - Administer user groups
        2.4.1. About smgroup
        2.4.2. Program usage
        2.4.3. Examples
    2.5. smquery - Manipulate data in database
        2.5.1. About smquery
        2.5.2. Program usage
        2.5.3. Examples
    2.6. smtree - Manipulate trees in database
        2.6.1. About smtree
        2.6.2. Program usage
        2.6.3. Examples
    2.7. smuser - Manipulate users for datastore
        2.7.1. About smuser
        2.7.2. Program usage
        2.7.3. Examples

3. The Simple Exchange Profile (SEP) subset used !
    3.1. Description

4. How you can assemble new service to the server?
    4.1. Prewiew
        4.1.1. About servers
        4.1.2. About services
    4.2. Implementing a new block
        4.2.1. Requests for your block
        4.2.2. Steps to resolve
   Step.1 - Get the server directory
   Step.2 - Adding the new service (block) file
   Step.3 - Assambling the blocks
   Step.4 - Register dependencies
   Step.5 - Configure your block
   Step.6 - Register logging
   Step.7 - Create the new server file
        4.2.3. Verifying

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